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Hazel Class

Welcome to Hazel Class - we are the Year 5's and Year 6's at Morton Primary! 

Miss Allen is the teacher in this class. Mrs Buckley and Miss Brown are the teaching assistants that support us. 

Our learning this half term:

Our topic focus is Our Changing Planet! We are learning about the environment and what impact climate change has had.

In DT we are creating our own stuffed toys. We will be using different stitches to make sure our toys are secure.

In Science and Geography we are learning about environmental issues. We will be identifying significant rivers and mountain ranges, know some of the causes of climate changes and evaluate the impact of this. We will uses technology to compare changes in the environment.

In PSHE we are focusing on being responsible. We will be able to recognise reasons for rules and laws, know about the human rights and identify the importance of having compassion towards others.

In RE we are focusing on Jesus' stories, parables and teachings. We will be looking at why these are important to Christians today.

In Music we are looking at and appreciating different styles of film music.

Our focus in PE this term is striking and fielding. 

Our current class book is:

The class books we've read so far this year are:

Useful information:

PE days - Wednesday and Friday  

Children should come to school in their school PE kits on PE days. PE uniform includes the following:

  • Black/grey shorts, leggings or joggers
  • White or team coloured t-shirt
  • Plain black/grey/navy sweatshirt or hoodie
  • Trainers/plimsolls

Key dates:
Wednesday 12th June - Sports Day

Friday 19th July - Leavers Assembly

Useful websites:



Spelling Shed